Titles are Overrated

Can't think of a subtitle either....

Author note: I wrote this up last Monday afternoon with the intent to immediately publish and then…a derecho blew through and knocked out my power for a little over three days. I lost all the food in my fridge and chest freezer (which was a lot because I’ve been stockpiling in anticipation of autumn food shortages). We had to decamp to a hotel because I live in the country and don’t have city water (I have a well) so no electricity also means no running water. It was a very stressful, low sleep week and I’m just now starting to feel better. Overall, though, I feel very lucky. As Lennon-McCartney said “It’s getting better all the time (it can’t get no worse).”

Admittedly I have greatly limited my internet intake to save my mental health, but it seems like people aren’t talking about what a disaster this is? Hurricane force winds tore through middle America and destroyed homes and crops and significantly damaged agricultural infrastructure. This is going to have bad repercussions on our food supply chain. Plus, you have people in the middle of a pandemic forced to live in unsafe, cramped circumstances. I mean, we’ve got two, possibly three horsemen of the apocalypse cooking here.

So anyway, here’s basically a link round up.

Hello friends,

I don’t really know what to write as a preamble today, so let’s jump into it. Hopefully by the end I will have come up with a title at least.

Coding for Lawyers

You absolutely don’t have to take on any extra duties or skills during a pandemic, but if you are so inclined to try, I just learned that Harvard has a YouTube Playlist of a Computer Science for Lawyers course.

Which reminds me, I saw this tweet this and it was so obvious of a solution (and relatively easy to implement) that I got really mad that people in power haven’t done this.

I had a lot of medical problems as a kid and spent A LOT of time home from school. Our local PBS affiliate had great shows during the day. They don’t seem to have the same type of schedule now.

API Project at Stanford

A little while ago I mused aloud on twitter that I’d like to see a list of available APIs relevant to the legal world. Without going into too much detail, one of the best possible outcomes for the future of legal tech is one where tools have a degree of interoperability and data and projects aren’t locked behind walled gardens. One way to prevent that is for legal tech companies to provide APIs so that the various systems can talk to each other and share information. I was very pleased to learn today that Stanford is devoting resources to studying APIs in the legal world.

2020 in a Tweet

Just @ Me Next Time

From Subreddit About Social Media

There’s a lot going on here, but is the “mediocre” law school in Malibu…Pepperdine? Ouch.

Meme Round Up

I can’t believe they’re letting people go to this….

As I spent a lot of time in spreadsheets this summer, this made me laugh bitterly.

Summer Time Joy

I like many things about where I live, but one real bonus is that there’s a lot of orchards and truck farms near where I live so I can get lot of fresh veggies in the summer. I’ve finally found a road side stand that has those giant honking zucchinis. If you don’t have to cradle it like a small child to carry it to your car, it’s too small for me. I usually make chocolate zucchini bread, but I wanted something more traditional, so I made this recipe. It’s so amazingly good. Highly recommend. Worth lighting the oven in summer.

Be well. If you’re feeling off, try drinking a glass of water and hydrating.


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