Richard Susskind Done Tole Y’all

But now is not the time to spike the football..

Hello! How are you? Dad and I are holding down the fort in Casa Sarah. Still a little discombobulated and still haven’t fully absorbed this “new normal.” (ugh, that term, I know, right?)

Legal World Stuff

So, as the title of this post says, Richard Susskind done tole y’all at least a decade ago that courts should move to online situations. I saw a tweet a few days ago where a court was like “well I guess we’ll temporarily suspend requiring print briefs” and I was literally like 😱. There is absolutely no reason the legal world should be caught on their back foot by all this, and yet here we are.

So if you’re keeping score at home, things requiring a global pandemic and millions of deaths to happen: (1) SCOTUS finally acknowledging that they don’t exist in the 18th century. (2) George R.R. Martin finishing his damn book.

Okay, whatever, it’s fine, I don’t have time to be mad about this because I’m mad about so many other things failing right now. Also, I don’t want to be seen as spiking the football or otherwise saying “I told you so.” I mean, we’re heading toward some real bad shit society wise. We need to not waste time lamenting what should have been and instead start moving towards taking care of each other and making things work in the new normal.

Mark Palmer who works for the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism posted on the FB Legal Tech group:

“With all due respect, sir, I believe this is gonna be our finest hour.” – NASA Flight Director Gene Kranz after told Apollo 13 could be NASA's worst disaster. Likewise, this is a defining time for the legal profession and the legal community to step up to do our part!

I thought that was lovely.

While we are thinking of what to do next, I do want to point you to the National Center for State Courts Court Statistics Project. We’re going to have to do some immediate band-aid fixes, but any sustaining change is going to have to be data driven and planned. That website is a good way to get your arms around the size and shape of the Court based issues, while also recognizing that many “justice needs” never make it to a court.

So, anyway, I’m doing what I can and happy to help if anyone wants it.

Back on the Homefront…

You guys, I’m not gonna lie: I’m scared. Too many people aren’t taking this seriously or otherwise feel like their “freedom” is more important than the greater good. I’ve also read some really terrible tweets and reddit comments that show how absolutely heartless and selfish some people are. And the government response? Don’t even get me started.

Dad and I are doing well. It’s an added layer of pressure for me because I feel responsible for keeping him alive (disease and food wise), but it’s fine. I obviously always miss my mom, but especially now. I have to say, it’s not a competition, but she would have kicked ass at quarantine. She already cooked and shopped like she was ready for a Great Depression to break out at any minute. Plus she would have organized a town wide mutual aid network and come up with daily activities for my niece and nephew. I…am making lists of shows I’ve been meaning to watch.

I spoke to my neighbor this morning. She’s a doctor at a local hospital and her assessment was pretty grim. She suspects that we should be in lock down until August.

On the Lighter Side..

Nature finds a way.

Be well. Wash your hands. Take care of each other.


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