Quick Links for Wednesday

Some news you can use...

It’s a bright sunny day in Northwest Indiana, a bit of respite before 4 days of rain. Dad got to go up to the Indiana Dunes State Park to ride his bike. He reports that the parking lot at the beach was as crowded as a summer day.

Here’s some interesting self help information I came across today:

  • I heard rumblings that we might get some mortgage relief in the federal coronavirus legislation and in trying to find that out, I found this list on Forbes on state and federal options.

  • Similarly, if you find yourself in need of health insurance, this thread details where to look.

  • Illinois is very lucky in that they have ILAO - Illinois Legal Aid Online. It a virtual legal aid office for the state. I didn’t get too involved with legal aids until I moved to Chicago to work for CALI and so my first impression was ILAO and I was stunned that every state didn’t have this. They have a great page on legal issues during the coronavirus pandemic and it would be a good model if you’re trying to create something similar.

  • A lot of people are realizing that they need to switch to some tech tools since we’re probably all going to be working virtually for a while. Honestly the best list of what’s available is the list of tools that integrate with Clio. Obviously that won’t have other practice management software, but otherwise pretty good place to start if you’re looking for a tool.

  • Finally, if you are moving to a virtual law practice, Mark Palmer has an article about some ethical considerations.

Now I’m about to get political…

I just saw this and it chilled me to my bones.

He doesn’t care if you live or die. This is all about his re-election. If your governor doesn’t adequately kiss his ass, your state will not get the supplies it needs. And it would be one thing if he wasn’t JUST FUCKING IMPEACHED for pulling this same shit with Ukraine, but apparently Susan Collins was wrong and he didn’t learn any lessons.

So, this is being set up that “patriots” go back to work and “traitors” pay attention to what public health officials advise. People are going to pack their churches on Easter as a show of faith not to God, but Donald Trump. People will die and it’s not just going to be the true believers.

Start mentally and physically preparing for things to get a lot worse. We are just at the very beginning of the horror show and I have given up on anyone stopping Trump or his followers. Take care of yourself, take care of those you love and if you have any left over, take care of the needy in your community.


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