On Hiatus

see you in 100 days?

Hello Friends in the Computer,

First of all, everything is fine. There is nothing to worry about.

(I think when you go through so many mental health challenges as I have, you have a reflexive need to reassure people that changes are not the result of brain chemistry.)

I just wanted to let you all know that I am taking a break from posting here.

There’s a couple reasons:

  1. My previous post reminded me of my old rules “No complaining without action” and “It is not the responsibility of the world to entertain you and if you’re bored it’s your fault”. There’s a third one I always tried to live by: “Act, don’t react.” I feel like my intellectual life lately has been breaking all three of those and as a result I didn’t feel great.

  2. Now that I made it through Q1 of my post-Reynen Court life, I feel like I’m settled in, have seen what is out there, and have a better idea of what I want to do with the rest of my life. As with all the spring planting and garden prep going now, there’s some things I need to do to lay the ground work to get there and that takes time. Something has to give. Especially because…

  3. I have some bigger projects that I want to work on, especially now that I’ve gotten the drafts of things I committed to awhile ago submitted. (And in a moment of personal growth an new-found responsibility, I just added a sub-domain to an existing URL that I own and didn’t buy a new URL.) So I want to take the time I would invest in being a social media inflawencer and devote it elsewhere.

I’m giving myself a 100 day break. Why that amount? It’s a nice round number, it would put me smack in the second half of summer, after AALL but before ILTA. And I always liked that Sharon Jones song:

But it might be less. I mainly just didn’t want to not post anymore and have people think I abandoned it or that there was something wrong. But I can definitely say I won’t be back until mid-June.

So I don’t plan on posting here or on LinkedIn (except I will use LinkedIn to promote stuff for other people or things that I’ve already done.) If you want a proof of life or a Sarah’s Dad update, I’ll be posting still on Mastodon and Instagram.

Be Well,



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