Monday Quick Bites

Let’s ease into the work week

Welcome subscribers! Thank you so much. I promise I’ll chill out eventually and not post every day and clog up your inbox. I wrote this on my bus commute this morning, but publishing at lunch (1) because Substack went offline right as I was getting ready to hit publish and (2) maybe more people might see it on Twitter at lunch time and not 6:30 am?

I’ll put subscription information at the end. It’s free - it’s just a way to get this via email. No pressure.

Content Not Containers

I am far from a print book fetishist. I saw a comment on LinkedIn that Mary Shen O’Carroll, Google’s Head of Legal Ops, said that Google’s law library has no books. This made me give a big old sigh because not all information is available electronically. Sorry, it’s just not. You can go pretty far without print, especially dependent on your practice area. I’m just saying that having “no books” is not a necessarily a sign that a law library is “good” or “innovative”.

Guided Interviews in Texas

Saw this tweet:

Disregarding the part about the clerks, because I don’t really know anything about that, the Texas system uses Odyssey Guide and File. I should know more about them than I do, since they’re a direct competitor to A2J Author and Community.Lawyer, but done by a for profit corporation. They are part of the Tyler Technologies family of products which is the 800 lb gorilla in the court technology space, so if anything is going to get courts to adopt interactive form tools for SRLs, it’s probably going to be them. According to their website, they’re up and running in 14 states with 7 more to come soon.

Nice To Meet Ya

I am terrible at networking at professional events. This business card idea is really cute.

Talk About Motivation

I don’t know how it happened, but I watch a lot of YouTube for someone who isn’t a 13 year old. Actually that’s not true, I do know how it happened. Back when my anxiety and mania were super bad, I discovered ASMR videos as a way to slow my brain down so I could sleep. And then YouTube serves up other suggestions and one thing leads to another and that’s how 17 year old boys become White Supremacists.

Seriously, though, check your teen’s and boomer’s social media diet.

Anyway, I came across this video. Background: There’s a pop star named Normani. She was in a girl group that broke up and she and some of her group mates are embarking on solo careers. Normani made a splash last summer (?) with a song called “Motivation” that had a cute 1990s vibe and she danced her ass off in it.

This video is a guy pretending to talk to Normani and her team and offering advice on what she should do now. I don’t know what it is about this video that struck me except I sort of want someone to tear my life apart like this (from a place of love) and tell me what I should do. Is that a life coach? Maybe I need a life coach.

Okay, that’s it team. Remember to wash your hands and stop touching your face.

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