Me, Now

Memes are still cool, right?

Hello! I’m still alive. I’ve been very very busy at work plus the whole “literally everything in the world being absolutely terrible” thing, so I don’t have much to say or offer lately.

And on the non professional side…

I find myself detaching a bit in an act of self preservation - there’s “bearing witness” on one hand and “laying in bed staring at the glowing doom machine in your hand until way past an appropriate time to go to bed” on the other and I don’t think I’ve been landing on the right side of that.

It’s kinda great, actually. If you’ve never read Allie Brosh’s Hyperbole and a Half pieces on depression, they’re probably the most accurate description of what depression is like. My favorite part is the super power it gets you.

To be clear, I’m not depressed, just very stressed and overwhelmed and sort of shutting down. But I’m also not worried about things because <spins wheel> TAKE YOUR PICK of horrible things that might legitimately happen in the coming days/weeks/months that make basically anything I do seem pointless to care about.

So that’s it. Wash your hands, wear a mask, don’t be a jerk. Be safe.


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