Hello World!

Don’t Call it a Comeback

Hello friends,

If you are receiving this, it means two things: (1) you signed up for my newsletter either on Substack or my self hosted website and (2) I successfully imported subscriber email addresses and got this newsletter set up correctly. Yay.

When I set up my old substack, I chose the name “Sarah’s Commonplace Book” because I intended to…treat it as a commonplace book and collect scraps of thoughts and cool things I found. That didn’t happen as often as I thought it would and instead I wrote more long form content.

So instead of reusing the name which wasn’t going to be accurate and briefly flirting with “Sarah G.’s Super Awesome Newsletter”, I decided on “Notes from the Interstitial Revolution.” Which is…pretentious, I know. Well, buckle up, buttercup because I decided to do the theming around Banksy’s Love is in the Air (Flower Thrower).

It’s pretension all the way down.

Let’s unpack:

Interstitial Revolution is a theory that you can make change within large, almost impossible to crack systems by finding small footholds within them and making small changes where you can, modeling what you want to see, and eventually creating an overwhelming force.

Banksy’s Love is in the Air (Flower Thrower) is a reminder to myself more than anything that in my work to make things better, whenever possible, I need to lead from a place of love. If I may be so bold as to quote myself, “The biggest act of defiance and resistance and the best thing you can do…be kind. Have empathy for those you interact with. Don’t let yourself become hard and unfeeling. Lose the cynicism. Hope is a discipline and a practice – work on it. Keep your humanity and look for it in others.”

So what’s the difference between this and my blog? Good question. As this is coming to your email inbox, I will try to be respectful of your time and space. And since I don’t trust any host, I will also duplicate all the content from here on my blog. It will also have things like text of talks I give and more objective research or analysis content (not that I’m ever truly staid and objective in anything I write for myself.) Basically, this newsletter is a digital version of catching me in the hall at a conference and we start talking shit and my blog is me doing a presentation at that conference.

Okay, let’s get to work.

Be well,



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