Back from the Dead

What did I miss?

One good thing about my Pinboard to Substack workflow is that it allows me to collect a lot of stuff through the day without interrupting my work. One bad thing is that it allows me to collect too much stuff through the day and then - especially when it’s been a few days as it has now, since I’ve been knocked out with a multi-day migraine - I have to edit. I might make my daily Pinboard a link to see the “b-side” of this newsletter.

Anyway, in the spirit of cleaning out the backlog, there won’t be much commentary.

Great News

I was really happy to hear about this team up.

An “Overnight” Success

Janine Sickmeyer, the founder of NextChapter, detailed the process of starting her legal tech startup in this thread. I don’t think I’ve met her and I really need to, especially as she is another Ohioan.

This All Day and Twice on Sunday

This Too

The Bright Side of the Black Death

Listen, I would be lying if I didn’t say a small part of me was low key hoping to have to work from home for a few weeks.

These Are Amazing

I mean….

Exciting Entertainment News

One day I will write an entire issue about how much The Kids in the Hall meant to me and how they no joke helped me survive high school. Until then, just know that they are doing a revival on Amazon and I am so happy.

Also, the Dixie Chicks are coming back. I love them so much. Whenever anyone complains about “cancel culture”, kindly remind them that the only people ever actually cancelled were The Dixie Chicks and Janet Jackson and it was done by people on the right.

Chyron of the Year

Oh, Bailey, we could have had it all…

Like a Fairytale

I’ve been interested in Royalty for a long long time. I understand how problematic it is, but old habits die hard. Anyway, this picture of Harry and Meghan in their last week as members of the royal family is maybe one of the best pictures of the BRF that I have ever seen.

Now go out and live your fairytale, and if you can make a bunch of racists mad while you do it, that’s even better.


or to participate.